I think I have to contact you...


Long time no new blog!  Sorry about that.  And nothing to get excited about this time either.  You will have been innundated with GDPR emails and I'm about to join the queue.

I don't do anything with your email addresses.  In fact, I don't actually know who you are (but hello there!) as it all happens by magic when  you put your email address into the box.  Thanks for that!  I don't have a list and therefore can't do anything with it.  Some of you will have worked out by now that I don't have the techie know-how even if it was possible!

So, my privacy policy is that I can't see who you are, and therefore I won't and can't do anything with your information.  However, I think I'm obliged to suggest you unsubcribe if you no longer wish to receive my irregular ramblings.  If that's the case, thank you for reading and I'll miss you (well, the thought of you, with me not knowing who you are!)

I don't make any money from my blog and therefore no one else is interested in who subscribes either.  So hopefully you will trust me and we can continue to have the odd laugh.  I've got a couple of blogs germinating, so keep your eyes out for a message.  Also, I'm on Facebook as Making it to the Top of My Own List and Twitter as @topofmyownlist.  If you're not already there, you would be very welcome!  I don't do the other things, too old for all that.

So, enjoy the sunshine and hope to see you soon.



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