Sunny Day

I love a bit of sunshine.  It’s good for whatever ails you.  It’s lovely where I am today.  I’ve just been across the campus and the sun wrapped me in a perfect warm hug.  It’s not sweaty hot, but it’s exactly the type of weather that makes you reluctant to be sitting at a screen trying to untangle an untangle-able timetable.  The perfect activity on a day like today is to be snoozing in the sun.  There’s something about a sun lounger and warm sun that leads to the perfect, restful sleep.  In terms of sleep hobbies, it’s my number one.

Before I had Daughter, my entire summer holidays would be spent in the garden with a pile of magazines, knowing full well that if I closed my eyes, the sun would soothe me to sleep.  Boyfriend/Fiance/Husband (delete as appropriate for the time) would come home from work and ask if I’d been asleep all day.  I used to say no, but we both knew I certainly had been for a good chunk of the day!

There’s very little restful snoozing in the sun these days.  The summer holidays that used to seem so long are brutally short now (and makes me very much appreciate the flimsy relationship my boss at the last job had with holiday cards and recording attendance!  I worked hard all year, he reasoned, who was he to deprive me of a few days off) and my fear of Daughter being stolen over the fence puts me off sleeping when we’re in the garden (and of course because it’s more fun being bossed about and thrashed at swing ball, honestly), and then unless she’s busy with Husband on holiday, I can’t sleep then.  I’ve been known to attempt a snooze when she’s been younger and sleeping in her push chair, having first tied the pushchair to my sun lounger for security and wedged her in so she couldn’t escape.  Hardly an idyllic situation for restful sleep.  And I’m sure you agree that someone with that kind of kidnap paranoia probably deserves some brain rest.  I should probably get some therapy.  I can only just about go in the house for a drink or the loo and leave her in the garden now, the summer before last I used to make her come in with me!  I am paranoid but she is quite frankly one of the most attractive children you’ll ever set eyes on, so I think she’s prime kidnap material.  And when I say ‘one of the most attractive children’, I only say that so as not to offend my readers…J

I’d like to set some guidelines for the general public in the summer though.  Maybe consider it helpful advice…

1)       Coats with fur trim need to be put away at the end of May at the very latest, regardless of the temperature.  What will you do in February?  As Mother would say, you won’t feel the benefit!

2)      All toenails look better painted.  Yes, even men’s (I imagine).

3)      Crusty, horny feet are vile to look at.  I can highly recommend the Scholl whizzy foot file thing, but a foot file from the pound shop can do an excellent job too!

4)      There is no reason to smell of BO.  Ever.

5)      Woolly hats will make you hot, whatever look you’re after.


Yes, my toenails are painted, and I’ve had the whizzy on them this week.  Fur trimmed coat hanging up in garage and I don’t really like a woolly hat in the winter, so definitely not tempted in the summer!  And I’m pretty confident I haven’t got BO.  Don’t come too close after my run though…ooh, that’s a new blog in itself – the new runner’s guide to running in the summer.  Tips gratefully received!


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