Dream Job
I read a magazine cover with excitement recently. I can’t remember the exact title, but the gist was ‘Make a Massive Amount of Money Doing what you Love’. Whoop, whoop, whoop! I could hardly write my list fast enough – fortune makers, each and every one! Things I love to do: Sleep Go to the beauticians for treatments Reading Watching TV Having a bath Running Perusing the aisles in Boots Eating chocolate Going out with the girls Shopping And yes, of course, spending time with Husband and Daughter. But I was under the impression that this was all about a new job, and Husband has his own and Daughter is too young to work. So they are excluded. I will let them share in my new wealth though. I excitedly flicked through the pages looking for the application form, daydreaming about how I could properly describe my skills in the activities on the list to do myself justice, and fight off the no doub...