Finding my Fab

Now that I’ve been 40 for a quarter of a year, I’ve decided I’ve been coasting on my ‘fab at forty’ plan. I’ve lost my Zumba habit, not lost my Christmas weight, allowed some grey hair to come through, and haven’t been out with the girls since Christmas (although have enjoyed a very nice night out with Husband). So, in a flash of motivation, I’m ready to change it all. The grey hair is easiest fixed – by Saturday lunch time I will be glossy and swingy and not a hint of silver. I’ve done very well – I’ve still got less than 10 greys (or thereabouts – it would smack of unacceptable vanity to have actually counted them. And what if there’s any I can’t see?!), but since I’ve turned 40 they are picking up their pace. I can’t see me ever embracing grey. I’m that pale that I would be invisible with grey hair, like some kind of X-Man but without the useful powers. But nor do I want to be that septuagenarian with the unconvincing raven barnet…Age...